Stories and origins
The founders of the Sweet Economy have turned for inspiration to God for the design of a better economy. Anything that is good about this economy should be credited to God. Anything that is bad is the result of our less than perfect understanding of what He said to do.
The portrait of God most people have encountered is one of anger and judgement, yet the founder’s experience is one of love and relationship. The design of this economy comes from God’s word but represents our attempt to paint a picture of what God recommended for our common good.
The Sweet Economy is meant to be a modern day, albeit imperfect picture, of what God has planned – for us to own His economy forever. We believe this is what God planned when Moses recorded in Leviticus 25 that the means of economic production, “cultivated land” was to be owned by a family and its descendants forever.
The Sweetbridge story
We have the ability to create assets that represent ownership of an economy that are earned through the normal course of commerce yet can never be bought and are protected in such a way that you can never permanently lose them. No lawsuit, no economic downturn, no crisis, and no business failure that could ever cause you to permanently lose them.
These assets are designed to generate value by reducing cost instead of increasing income. Just like growing a garden reduces your cost of living. So the more of these assets you own, the lower your living or business expenses become. They can even be used to access cash based on their value, and that can be done without selling them. They can act as collateral for a period of time, but you can never lose them permanently. We are even creating opportunities for owners to borrow money from these assets: interest-free. The asset itself will pay the loan back, instead of you.
When you die, these assets are passed to your descendants and their descendants forever. You create a legacy for generations.
Think this is impossible? Think again. Taste and see…
Download our short animated Ebook. A Simple Change

About Us: Timeline Story
- Sweetbridge Incorporated.
- First white paper published
- Sweetbridge EMEA formed to found ecosystems
- Crowdsourced fundraising via ICO
- Sweetbridge philosophy and core beliefs on economics developed
- Sweetbridge Foundation formed
- Sweetbridge Alliance formed
- First funding of Sweetbridge EMEA
- First pilot launch using Synchronized Commerce Platform
- Discount tokens published
- Liquidity protocol white paper published
- First release of the synchronized accounting platform
- Formed Digital Sandwich consortium
- Tokenization white paper published
- Trusted tokenized assets published
- Trusted tokenized rights published
- Data assurance published
- Inventory financing
- Financing logistic equipment
- Data assurance white paper published
- Formed KnowRisk consortium
- Digital Sandwich 4M pound UK Grant and 6M pounds of support funding
- KnowRisk won 1M pound grant and received 1M pounds of matching funds from IUK
- Sweetbridge EMEA won Innovate UK Grant
- Sweetbridge EMEA Covid Grant from UK government
- KnowRisk accepted into Lloyds Lab in London
- Computable contract white paper published
- Synchronized commerce KYC & KYB identity published
- Won 1.6M pound Innovate UK Grant loan for work on Digital Sandwich
- Formed 2BuildUS Ecosystem
- Formed 4AllWallet Consortium and Ecosystem
- Formed 4Populus Ecosystem
- Formed 2FundUs Ecosystem
- Simple change book published
- First supply chain financing through 2FundUS
- KnowRisk White Paper: Supply Chain Disruption Risk